An easy-going cat in Avoca, Co. Wicklow (Ireland) needs a sitter

Avoca, Ireland
  • 1cat


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Hi! We are an academic and an artist with a primary-school age kid. We have a small white cat named Freya. We live in a village in County Wicklow, Ireland. We travel on occasion as we have family in Turkey and the US. Our cat is an indoor

Home & location

Our house is on the Main St. in the village of Avoca. Our house is a 2-storey, 2-bed, semi-detached building with 2.5 baths. A sitter would stay in the main bedroom, which has a queen-size bed and an en suite bathroom. We have wireless

houseHousefamilyFamily friendlymountainMountainscountrysideCountrysideAccessible by public transport



Freya, our cat, requires three things. First, a clean litter box, which is emptied via a compostable bag into the compost out front. Second, she get fed twice a day. Third, she like to play so some time to say hi is welcome. That said, she

Meet the pets

  • Freya

    I Don'T Know

    2 years

Location map

  1. Ireland
  2. chevron-right
  3. Leinster
  4. chevron-right
  5. Avoca