Need a sitter for 8 days in Bloomingdale, IL. The home is a 3

Bloomingdale, IL, US
  • 2dog


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Hi, I am a single dad. I have an 11 year old son. We sometimes travel during the summer. Finding a trusted house sitter would be great.

Home & location

It's a nice townhouse. Spacious with a garden in front and a small fenced patio in the back. Across the street is a park with a trail that circles a beautiful lake.

houseHousedisabledDisabled accesscityCityAccessible by public transport



Simple stuff. Water the garden in front once a day. Walk the dogs at least twice a day. There is a dog pad area for of the dogs needs to go potty at night or in between walks. Please dispose of dirty pads into the trash and lay down clean

Meet the pets

  • Timber

    6 years

  • Zoey

    4 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. Illinois
  4. chevron-right
  5. Bloomingdale