14 year old little Shih Tzu is looking for a gentle dog sitter.

Alexandria, VA, US
  • 1dog


Pet parent

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Hi all. My wife and I are travelers and have lived in the US, Canada and Europe where we have also pet sat. We have had 3 dogs over the years, a happy mixed breed, a low-key Shih Tzu and a rescue Cocker Spaniel who was looking for a…

Home & location

Townhome 5 minutes from beautiful old town Alexandria, about 15 minutes from White House and 20 minutes from Georgetown. Free Smithsonian museums and too many outdoor cafe's than you will ever get to. Our home is a two bedroom, 3 bath unit…

houseHousecityCityNot accessible by public transport



Internet & Office


Wifi (High-speed)


Ziggy will sleep a lot, up to 21 hours a day. He likes treats and we feed him once a day at suppertime. He doesn't really like going for walks anymore, just outside (out front) to do his biz, sniff the air and sometimes just sit watching…

Meet the pets

  • Ziggy

    17 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. Virginia
  4. chevron-right
  5. Alexandria