My name is Diane and I’m looking for caring sitters for my baby

Charlotte, NC, US
  • 2dog


Pet parent

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I work in a restaurant. I like to read, watch sports take my dogs on walks etc. I heard about it and I believe it would be more convenient when I want to plan a trip.

Home & location

I’m located about 20-30 min from charlotte, NC. Some of the attractions are discovery place, mint museum etc. Rock Hill has a lot to offer we usually have entertainment in downtown rock hill, Lake Wylie is about 20 minutes away and there

apartmentApartmentfamilyFamily friendlycityCitycountrysideCountrysideAccessible by public transport



Parking & Transport


Free on-street parking

Safety & Security

Fire alarm

Fire extinguisher

Carbon monoxide alarm

First aid kit


Vacuum cleaner


Free on-street parkingFire alarmFire extinguisherCarbon monoxide alarmVacuum cleaner


My lab goes out around 7:30 then I put her back up till 8:30 then I feed both the dogs and takes them out after breakfast. Then I go to work and the lab who’s name is April goes in her crate and Rosie is fine to be out of the crate then I

Meet the pets

  • Rosie

    7 years

  • April

    2 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. North Carolina
  4. chevron-right
  5. Charlotte