Care for two small dogs and a house in a vibrant, small city.

Madison, WI, US
  • 2dog


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I will be traveling overseas in from late April to early May and need someone to stay at my home and care for my two aging corgis.

Home & location

Madison is a vibrant small city. My house is on a bus line, two blocks from a very extensive bike path, very close to a zoo, the lake, the Arboretum, a shopping street, several parks, and one block from a Trader Joe’s grocery store. Madison

houseHousecityCityAccessible by public transport



Feed dogs morning and evening, water plants once a week, bring in the newspaper, raise and lower shades during the day. Walk dogs after breakfast and after dinner, and let them out in the fenced backyard occasionally during the day. Phoebe

Meet the pets

  • Harry

    Pembroke Welsh Corgi

    11 years

  • Phoebe

    Pembroke Welsh Corgi

    13 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. Wisconsin
  4. chevron-right
  5. Madison