Nashville Home near Downtown

Nashville, TN, US
  • 1cat


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My husband and I live in our home in Nashville, Tennessee 5 mi from downtown. I'm retired from a school setting that served children with learning differences. My husband is still working part-time and has a home office. We are grandparents

Home & location

Our home is on a quiet tree line circular street that is wonderful for walking. We are located 5 mi from downtown Nashville in a neighborhood which is 1 mi from a grocery store and pharmacy. We are four blocks from the closest bus stop

houseHousefamilyFamily friendlycityCityAccessible by public transport



The pet sitter would be responsible for feeding Oliver and changing his litter box. He is an indoor/outdoor cat so litter box clean out is minimal . We call him a dog/cat because he is so friendly, affectionate and cuddly. The house sitter

Meet the pets

  • Oliver Twist

    American Shorthair

    1 year

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. Tennessee
  4. chevron-right
  5. Nashville