Mini Aussiedoodle in Quiet Bloor West Neighbourhood

Toronto, ON, Canada
  • 1dog


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My husband and I love to travel, and now that our Mini Aussiedoodle is getting up there in years, she would rather stay in her house rather than be watched by friends.

Home & location

We live in a quiet, established neighbourhood lots of trees and nature. The Humber River is just down the hill and High Park is close by as well. There are little shops, restaurants and markets all within walking distance.

houseHousecityCityAccessible by public transport



Kali requires a 30-minute morning walk (usually around 9am) and a shorter afternoon/evening walk. She likes to play hide and seek with her ball in the family room after dinner. She is fed in the morning and evenings, and gets one allergy

Meet the pets

  • Kali

    9 years

Location map

  1. Canada
  2. chevron-right
  3. Ontario
  4. chevron-right
  5. Toronto