2 beautiful Siamese mix cats in a trendy apartment in centralā€¦

Berlin, Germany
  • 2cat


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Hi, we are Katrin and Maresa, a married couple living in Berlin-Friedrichshain with our two sibling-cats, Luke and Lea (Skywalker). Katrin works with minor refugees, Maresa is a judge. We loving eating out and cooking, readingā€¦

Home & location

We live in central Berlin, close to everything including public transport. Apartment is 90sqm, 2 bedrooms (one of which will be locked for the stay as completely cat free), large living room with American style kitchen, modern bathroom withā€¦

apartmentApartmentcityCityAccessible by public transport



Both cats get wet and dry food twice a day. Dry food is necessary as itā€™s anti-allergenic (we are allergic), wet food cos itā€™s healthier. They get churus and other treats if they done something well

Meet the pets

  • Lea

    2 years

  • Luke

    2 years

Location map

  1. Germany
  2. chevron-right
  3. Berlin
  4. chevron-right
  5. Berlin