Cozy modern apartment in Back Bay/South End Boston with sweet

Boston, MA, US
  • 1cat


Pet parent

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Late 30s professional with a work anywhere job looking to travel more. I have a sweet 10yo kitty who just wants scratches and to sit on a warm lap. My apartment is in central Boston near multiple transit stops and a 10 minute walk to some

Home & location

600 SQ ft apartment near Boston Back Bay station on quiet street. 10 minute walk to dozens of top restaurants and coffee shops. 15 minute walk to the Public Garden and Common. Comfortable living room with pull out couch, smart TV, and a WFH

apartmentApartmentcityCityAccessible by public transport



Olivia gets wet food in the morning and kibble at night. She's very easy to please with pets and her brush.

Meet the pets

  • Olivia

    American Shorthair

    10 years

Location map

  1. United States
  2. chevron-right
  3. Massachusetts
  4. chevron-right
  5. Boston