2 week Stay in Yaletown

Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 1dog


Pet parent

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I am a late 30’s engineer/project manager that works from home but likes to be active and travel the world. I’m into hiking, playing sports and being in nature with my dog Finnigan. Heading out to meet a friend in Germany and Spain to do

Home & location

I live in a ~600ft2 apartment with a den, full kitchen and separate bedroom with in-suite laundry. My building is facing the city and a park nearby. In my building there is garbage disposal, a gym, a hot tub and a steam room on the second

apartmentApartmentfamilyFamily friendlybeachBeachcityCityAccessible by public transport



-walking Finnigan 3/4 times per day, one of those being a longer walk for up to an hour, others to the nearby park (3 blocks away) to use the washroom. - typically I take him for a longer walk or to play with his ball at one of the bigger

Meet the pets

  • Finnigan

    Australian Shepherd

    3 years

Location map

  1. Canada
  2. chevron-right
  3. British Columbia
  4. chevron-right
  5. Vancouver