Central and Charming. Stay/pet sit at 3 bedroom home in Calgary’s

Calgary, AB, Canada
  • 1cat


Pet parent

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We’re a family of five that loves to travel. We’re busy professionals with many hobbies and interests. Our cat Miller is an introverted fellow but once he warms up is lovely. Our home is 2400 square feet with large front and back yard—

Home & location

Our spacious 3 bedroom home (with large tree’d and fenced back yard) is located in Collingwood is a quiet neighbourhood in the northwest quadrant of Calgary, Alberta — less than 10 minutes drive from downtown. It is located immediately

houseHousecityCityAccessible by public transport



Stay at our home and look after the house and 4 year old cat, Miller. Miller is a black cat and a bit mysterious and very talkative (he is very independent and not big on cuddles) but he really appreciates company and a couple cat treats

Meet the pets

  • Miller Moon

    4 years

Location map

  1. Canada
  2. chevron-right
  3. Alberta
  4. chevron-right
  5. Calgary